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Picturing Medical Progress from Pasteur to Polio : A History of Mass Media Images and Popular Attitudes in America 25 April 2020

Picturing Medical Progress from Pasteur to Polio_A History of Mass Media Images and Popular Attitudes in America by Bert Hansen   Author(s):        Hansen, Bert ISBN No.:         9780813545769 Pages:              368      Year:    200905 Format:           eBooks Today, pharmaceutical companies, HMOs, insurance carriers, and the health care system in general may often puzzle and frustrate the general public and even physicians and researchers. By contrast, from the 1880s through the 1950s Americans enthusiastically embraced medicine and its practitioners.…

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Ismailis in medieval Muslim societies

Ismailis in Medieval Muslim Societies by Farhad Dafary Author(s):        Daftary, Farhad          ISBN No.:  9780857713872   Pages:  296     Year:    200512 Format:  E-Book Format   DRM PDF Synopsis: This important book, by an internationally acknowledged expert in Ismaili studies, introduces Ismaili history and thought in medieval times. Discussing the different phases in Ismaili history, it describes both the early Ismailis as well as the contributions of the later Ismailis to Islamic culture. A number of chapters deal with key…

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The Complete book of intelligence tests

The Complete Book of Intelligence Tests 500 Exercises to Improve, Upgrade and Enhance Your Mind Strength by Philip Car ter Author(s):        Carter, PhilipISBN No.:         9781841126531 Pages: 274       Year:    200507 Enjoyable mental exercises to help boost performance on IQ tests This engaging book offers readers the ultimate in calisthenics for the brain. Using the same fun, informative, and accessible style that have made his previous books so popular, Philip Carter helps people identify…

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