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Media and Culture: An Introduction to Mass Communication 25 April 2020

Media and Culture_An Introduction to Mass Communication by Richard Campbell, Christopher R. Martin and Bettina Fabos Author(s):  Campbell, Richard; Martin, Christopher Fabos, Bettina ISBN No.:         9780312644659 Pages:  616      Year:    201102 Format:           eBook This book has been authored by three professors of journalism. Richard Campbell, director of the journalism program at Miami University, is the author of 60 Minutes and the News: A Mythology for Middle America (1991) and coauthor of Cracked Coverage: Television News, the…

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Media Today : An Introduction

Media Today_ An Introduction to Mass Communication by Joseph Turow   Author(s):        Turow, Joseph ISBN No.:         9780415960595 Edition:           Revised Pages:  712      Year:    200810 Format:           eBook Completely revised with updated examples, case studies, and media resources, the third edition of this innovative mass communication textbook is built upon a media systems approach that gives students an insider’s perspective on how mass media industries operate. By making students more knowledgeable about the influences that guide media organizations,…

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Making Media Content… Influence of Constituency Groups on Mass Media

Making Media Content_The Influence of Constituency Groups on Mass Media by John A. Fortunato Author(s):        Fortunato, John A. ISBN No.:         9780805847482 Pages:  224      Year:    200504 Format: eBook Price:   £90.73 Making Media Content: The Influence of Constituency Groups on Mass Media addresses the development of media content and the various factors and constituencies that influence content, such as advertisers, corporate interests, owners, and advocacy groups. It examines the strategic decision-making of mass media organizations as they…

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