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Picturing Medical Progress from Pasteur to Polio : A History of Mass Media Images and Popular Attitudes in America 25 April 2020

Picturing Medical Progress from Pasteur to Polio_A History of Mass Media Images and Popular Attitudes in America by Bert Hansen   Author(s):        Hansen, Bert ISBN No.:         9780813545769 Pages:              368      Year:    200905 Format:           eBooks Today, pharmaceutical companies, HMOs, insurance carriers, and the health care system in general may often puzzle and frustrate the general public and even physicians and researchers. By contrast, from the 1880s through the 1950s Americans enthusiastically embraced medicine and its practitioners.…

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Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing : Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing : Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications by Mary C. Townsend   Author(s):        Townsend, Mary C. ISBN No.:         9780803625068 Edition:           Revised     Pages:  704      Year:    201110 Format:           eBook  Price:   £30.95 Here’s the 20th Anniversary Edition of the most complete and easy-to-use resource on how to develop practical, individualized plans of care for psychiatric and mental health patients. It’s really 2 books in 1! The first half provides the diagnostic information needed…

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An Introduction to Community-Based Nursing

Introduction to Community-Based Nursing by Roberta Hunt Author(s):        Hunt, Roberta ISBN No.:         9780781772471     Edition:  Revised Pages:  528      Year:    200802      Format: eBooks Unit I: BASIC CONCEPTS IN COMMUNITY-BASED NURSING 1: Overview of Community Based Nursing 2: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention 3: Culture Care 4: Family Care Unit II: SKILLS FOR COMMUNITY- BASED NURSING PRACTICE 5: Assessment: Individual, Family and Population 6: Health Teaching 7: Continuity of Care: Discharge Planning and Case Management…

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Introduction to Community Health

Introduction to Community Health by James F. McKenzie and R. R. Ping   Author(s):        McKenzie, James F. ISBN No.:         9780763743949   Edition:  Revised    Pages:  704 Year:  200707      Format: eBook With emphasis on developing the knowledge and skills necessary for a career in health education, An Introduction to Community Health, Fifth Edition, 5th ed. covers such topics as epidemiology, community organization, program planning, minority health, health care, mental health, environmental health, drugs, safety, and…

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Medical Quality Management

Medical Quality Management_Theory and Practice edited by Prathibha Varkey Author(s):       American College of Medical Quality ACMQ (Corporate) American College of Medical Quality Staff (Corporate) ISBN No.:       9780763760342     Edition:  Revised  Pages:  232      Year: 200902 Format:           eBook    Price:   £69.76 This new comprehensive resource Medical Quality Management: Theory and Practice addresses the needs of physicians, medical students, and other health care professionals for up to date information about medical quality management. In reviewing the key principles and methods…

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