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Introduction to Communications Technologies : A Guide for Non-Engineers by Stephan Jones and Ron Kovac


Author(s):        Jones, Stephan

ISBN No.:         9781420046854

Pages:  324      Year:    200810

Format:  E-Book


The second edition of Introduction to Communications Technologies: A Guide for Non-Engineers helps students in telecommunications business programs become familiar with and stay abreast of the ever-changing technology surrounding their industry. Used in the core curriculum at Ball State University’s graduate professional program in Information and Communication Sciences, this textbook is designed for graduate and undergraduate students who do not necessarily have a high level of technical expertise, but need to have some understanding of the technical functions of information and communication technologies to prepare them for working in a corporate environment. Included in this second edition are some future perspectives on where the networks currently in use will migrate in the next few years. Various sections address streaming video, Internet Protocol-defined voice communications, advanced wireless data networking and the convergence of various communication methods to be delivered on a single platform.

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