Author(s): Dennis, Charles and Harris, Lisa
ISBN No.: 9781134520282
Pages: 368 Year: 200309 Format: eBook
Since the much-hyped crash, treading the e-business path can be daunting. In these increasingly uncertain and cynical times, this useful text unpicks the challenges of e-Marketing for many types of business. It uses topical case studies and accompanying web material to provide an up-to-date study of effective marketing strategies. Topics include:*Multi-channel marketing strategies*Change Management* Lessons learned from the crash*Branding, e-Retail and relationship building *Digital divides, privacy and data security.
Providing a new approach to the subject matter, this book analyses the benefits of e-Marketing as a tool for improving efficiency and effectiveness rather than business revolution. Considering the practicalities of marketing in an e-Business context, it is the first book of its kind to voice such a rigorous argument for the importance of e-Marketing, and a crucial text for anyone studying or practicing e-Business.