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Voices in the wilderness… Aboriginal people 25 April 2020

Voices in the Wilderness : Images of Aboriginal People in the Australian Media by Michael Meadows Author(s):        Meadows, Michael E. ISBN No.:         9780313315664 Pages:  264        Year:    200012 Format:           eBook This book examines race relations in Australia through various media representations over the past 200 years. The early colonial press perpetuated the image of aboriginal people as framed by early explorers, and stereotypes and assumptions still prevail. Print and television news accounts of…

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Routledge Handbook of Emotions and Mass Media

Routledge Handbook of Emotions and Mass Media edited by Katrin Doveling, Christan von Scheve and Elly A. Konijn   ISBN No.:         9781134017676 Pages:  448      Year:    201010 Format:           E-Book The impact of mass media on individuals and society is to a great extent based on human emotions. Emotions, in turn, are essential in understanding how media messages are processed as well as media’s impact on individual and social behavior and public social life. Adopting an interdisciplinary…

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Media and Culture: An Introduction to Mass Communication

Media and Culture_An Introduction to Mass Communication by Richard Campbell, Christopher R. Martin and Bettina Fabos Author(s):  Campbell, Richard; Martin, Christopher Fabos, Bettina ISBN No.:         9780312644659 Pages:  616      Year:    201102 Format:           eBook This book has been authored by three professors of journalism. Richard Campbell, director of the journalism program at Miami University, is the author of 60 Minutes and the News: A Mythology for Middle America (1991) and coauthor of Cracked Coverage: Television News, the…

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Making Media Content… Influence of Constituency Groups on Mass Media

Making Media Content_The Influence of Constituency Groups on Mass Media by John A. Fortunato Author(s):        Fortunato, John A. ISBN No.:         9780805847482 Pages:  224      Year:    200504 Format: eBook Price:   £90.73 Making Media Content: The Influence of Constituency Groups on Mass Media addresses the development of media content and the various factors and constituencies that influence content, such as advertisers, corporate interests, owners, and advocacy groups. It examines the strategic decision-making of mass media organizations as they…

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Introduction to Multimedia Communications Applications, Middleware, Networking

Introduction to Multimedia Communications Applications, Middleware, Networking by K. Rao, Z.S. Bojkovic and D.A. Milovanovic   Author(s):        Rao, Kamisetty ISBN No.:         9780471656401 Pages:  776      Year:    200601 Format:           E-Book Price: 152 A comprehensive resource on multimedia communications. Covers recent trends and standardization activities in multimedia communications, such as layered structures, underlying theories and the current best design techniques. Describes the convergence of various technologies including communications, broadcasting, information technology, and home electronics, and emerging new communication…

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Sex and Money : Feminism and Political Economy

Sex and Money : Feminism and Political Economy in the Media edited by Meehan and Riodan Author(s): Meehan, Eileen R. ISBN No.:         9780816637881 Pages: 328       Year:  200112 Format:           eBook Synopsis: It all comes down to sex and money: how the media are organized, how they work, what they say, who gets to say it and to whom. That is the message this book delivers — and then parses for its meaning to society and culture.…

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Introduction to community development

ISBN No.: 9781134482252
Pages: 446
Year: 201411
Format: E-Book

Beginning with the foundations of community development, An Introduction to Community Development offers a comprehensive and practical approach to planning for communities. Road-tested in the authors’ own teaching, and through the training they provide for practicing planners, it enables students to begin making connections between academic study and practical know-how from both private and public sector contexts. An Introduction to Community Development shows how planners can utilize local economic interests and integrate finance and marketing considerations into their strategy. Most importantly, the book is strongly focused on outcomes, encouraging students to ask: what is best practice when it comes to planning for communities, and how do we accurately measure the results of planning practice?.

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