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Routledge Handbook of Emotions and Mass Media 25 April 2020

Routledge Handbook of Emotions and Mass Media edited by Katrin Doveling, Christan von Scheve and Elly A. Konijn   ISBN No.:         9781134017676 Pages:  448      Year:    201010 Format:           E-Book The impact of mass media on individuals and society is to a great extent based on human emotions. Emotions, in turn, are essential in understanding how media messages are processed as well as media’s impact on individual and social behavior and public social life. Adopting an interdisciplinary…

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Media Today : An Introduction

Media Today_ An Introduction to Mass Communication by Joseph Turow   Author(s):        Turow, Joseph ISBN No.:         9780415960595 Edition:           Revised Pages:  712      Year:    200810 Format:           eBook Completely revised with updated examples, case studies, and media resources, the third edition of this innovative mass communication textbook is built upon a media systems approach that gives students an insider’s perspective on how mass media industries operate. By making students more knowledgeable about the influences that guide media organizations,…

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Sex and Money : Feminism and Political Economy

Sex and Money : Feminism and Political Economy in the Media edited by Meehan and Riodan Author(s): Meehan, Eileen R. ISBN No.:         9780816637881 Pages: 328       Year:  200112 Format:           eBook Synopsis: It all comes down to sex and money: how the media are organized, how they work, what they say, who gets to say it and to whom. That is the message this book delivers — and then parses for its meaning to society and culture.…

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