Fired Up! Selling: Great Quotes to Inspire Author: Bard, Ray ISBN: 9781885167835



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Salespeople love quotes! They put them on their refrigerator doors, post on their bathroom mirrors, carry them as a reminder, use in speeches and team meetings, and send in emails. They use quotes to fire up their sales teams, their friends — and themselves. A unique crowd-sourcing model, The Fired UP! SellingTM Project was developed to select great quotes for the book — created by salespeople, for salespeople, with the quotes selected by salespeople. Using the criteria of ETE (Elegance, Truth, and Energy), quotes were drawn for testing from many sources, from sales leaders and beyond. More than 1,000 Quote Judges from around the world (salespeople, sales managers, sales trainers, consultants, and bloggers) rated 1,005 quotes. 307 of the highest scoring quotes were selected for the book.